Friday, January 12, 2018

Back to Blogging

I have not been blogging for over a year, other than my post last November. I thought that I would attempt to explain why in this post. God has led me through much this past year and several months.

I started this blog to minister to others who like myself had suffered pregnancy loss. The name of the blog comes from my two babies in heaven and my prayer for children. In July of 2016, I started a new job in home healthcare. This job took up a lot more of my time with all the charting that needed to be done, but I absolutely loved it. While I was busy learning the new aspects of my job, in August my husband and I found out we were expecting our rainbow baby April 29, 2017. For the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy, I had morning (or all day) sickness. During the pregnancy, I had anxiety that this baby would not make it; I had frequent nightmares of going to my OB office and hearing the awful words, “I’m sorry, we couldn’t find the heartbeat.” Thankfully, I never heard those words. I was in two car accidents, one because I had passed out from low blood sugar levels and the other from someone behind me not stopping at a red light. I lost my job when the company I worked for closed down February 10. February 15, I went into labor and was put on bed rest, and March 4, at 32 weeks, our rainbow baby, Olivia Mae, was born. I struggled after her birth. It felt like I had been robbed of carrying her for 8 more weeks, of taking care of her for the first 6 ½ weeks of her life, of having the experience of birth (I had a c-section because she was breech). Those were dark days in my life.

Fast forward to August 2017. I started getting some pregnancy symptoms and got a test- It was positive! We went for an ultrasound in September and found out that Baby was due March 15, 2018, Just 11 days after Olivia’s first birthday. This pregnancy has been much better than the last. Only 2 days of nausea/sickness, a much better doctor/ midwives, and much less anxiety. I often wonder how I will handle having two babies a year apart. But I am sure God’s grace will prove sufficient. For now I just keep trusting and following Him.

So now you know what I’ve been doing in these months of silence. God’s strength and grace have proved sufficient all the way and He has taught me some things as well. 

Olivia at 10 months old

New Years Eve 2017